Transforming Power

A gender guide for organizations campaigning on dams and for rivers

Transforming Power, a gender guide for organizations campaigning on dams and for rivers was created as a tool to help Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and grassroots community organizations strengthen their gender practice and encourage campaigning in ways that are gender-responsive in the interests of both women and men.

The gender guide consists of four sections and an appendix with tools and resources.


Part One

Introduces the concepts of gender.

Defines key terms.

Provides information on the gendered impacts of dams.

Part Two

Guides organizations in reviewing and reflecting on their own gender practices as an organization and in their existing campaign work.

Part Three

Gives organizations tools to work with communities and undertake their own gender analysis of how a dam project will affect women and men.

Part Four

Empowers organisations and coalitions to ensure that future campaigns include a stronger gender focus.

The guide is designed to be adjusted, added to, and altered for different audiences. Different contexts will elicit different responses and as a result the use of additional imagery, flow charts, checklists, case studies, activity sheets and facilitators notes, will be required. This flexibility enables the adaption of case studies and examples to each river context which will enrich the document, and ensure it stays relevant for local use wherever it is needed.